† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51705009) and the NSAF of China (Grant No. U1530153).
In the femtosecond laser-produced Cu-plasma, the transient transition dynamics that the excited state 5s′4D7/2 via electron–ion recombination transfers to 4p
It is well known that the photochemistry in nature is exactly the chemistry of excited states by photon pulses. Manipulation of the excited states lifetime of atoms/molecules in various atmospheres is a gordian technique for the future development of photochemical reactions, since it involves many applied fields such as biopharmaceutical and photochemical reactions.[1,2] In recent decades, numerous efforts have been devoted to control the process of chemical reactions of atoms and molecules experimentally and theoretically.[3,4] However, most of these works focused on the photodissociation and photoionization of molecules by using femtosecond (fs) laser pluses,[5–9] for example, controlling the fragment ratio[10] and channels[11] in the dissociation and ionization processes, governing the orientation of diatomic molecules,[12] and probing the motion of dissociated and ionized electrons and ions.[13] The detailed processes in photodissociation or photoionization are of great significance for governing or controlling photochemical reactions. The relevant diagnoses of these ultrafast processes are usually carried out by using time-resolved measuring methods, in order to obtain the dissociation fragments and electronic momentum distributions.[7–14]
The time-resolved probe method has been widely used for the investigation of various ultrafast phenomena, such as the process of material ejection by time-resolved shadowgraph method,[15] the population of electron transition by time-resolved atom/molecule emission,[16] the ultrafast dynamics of electron transfer by fs-laser stimulated Raman spectroscopy,[17] the transient resonance line of Ca+ in Ca plasma by time-resolved spectroscopy,[18] the enhancing redshift phenomenon by time-resolved photoluminescence spectrum,[19] and so on.
In this paper, we investigate the transition dynamics of the excited state 5s′4D7/2 through two transfer channels, 5s
(Λ2 transition, corresponding spectrum called Λ2 line), in the electron–ion recombination of copper plasma produced by both linear and circular polarized fs-laser pulses with different laser energy in air. The Λ1 line and Λ2 line emitting spectra are obtained by an intensified CCD (ICCD) spectrometer with resolution of 1200 G/mm, based on which the relaxation of the excited state occupation in the process of electron–ion recombination is examined by probing the time evolution of the characteristic spectra from both transfer channels.
The experimental setup is equipped with a commercial fs-laser system (Ti: sapphire Micra 10 and regenerative amplifier Legend Elite-USP-HE, Coherent Corp.) with 60 fs pulse duration, central wavelength at 800 nm (1.55 eV), output energy of 3.5 mJ/pulse, and repetitive rate of 1 kHz. The spot size (diameter) of laser pulse irradiating on target surface is 100 μm, and the average power density (intensity) arrived at the target surface is about 6.37 × 1014W/cm2, which is shown schematically in Fig.
In our laser-target experiment, fs-laser pulse is split into two beams, one is used to monitor the stability of output power and the other one used as pump light to produce plasma from the target. The detection unit is composed of lenses (L2 and L3), bandpass filter (800 nm), fiber, spectrometer, and ICCD camera (PI Corp., USA) with a basic gate width (i.e., exposure time for one triggering) of Δτ = 2 ns. The ICCD is synchronized to the fs-laser pulse so as to perform all measurements of time-resolved spectra. The experiments were performed in the atmosphere.
In the experiment, the employed linearly polarized laser energy is about 2.4 mJ (corresponding energy fluence ∼ 30 J/cm2), the moment that the normal incident laser pulse arrives at the target surface is set as t = 0. The time evolution of emitted spectral intensities from both channels of Λ1 line and Λ2 line in the process of electron–ion recombination are shown in Fig.
Interestingly, from Ref. [24] we note that the lifetime of 5s′4D7/2 generated by collision excitation of atoms is 10.7 ns theoretically and 7.9 ± 0.5 ns experimentally, which is obviously much shorter than that by laser-produced plasma. This significant difference may derive from that, we infer, the plasma produced by laser pulse possesses higher internal energy by absorbing laser energy and consequently the relaxation time of plasma state significantly lengthens which makes the rate of recombination transition to ease up. To reveal the distribution of occupation number on the excited state 5s′4D7/2, the experimental curves of Λ1 and Λ2 lines are fitted numerically and found that the occupation number on 5s′4D7/2 state approximates to Boltzmann distribution
In fs laser-produced plasma, the ionized electron energy depends closely upon employed laser intensity. To examine the dependence of electron energy on the spectral lifetime of transition radiation as well as the occupation number of excited states, we use different laser intensities to produce Cu-plasma. The time-resolved spectra for Λ1 line and Λ2 line and the CS under different laser intensities are shown in Fig.
More importantly, the start times of spectral emissions for Λ1 line and Λ2 line are still kept at t = 40 ns and 65 ns, respectively, and seem to show an independence on that employed laser intensity. It is worth noting that, from the above experimental data, with the increase of the employed laser intensity the peaks of the spectra evolution for CS appears invariably at 20 ns and the start times of spectral emissions from these two transition channels (Λ1 and Λ2 emissions) still remain at 40 ns and 65 ns, respectively, which seems to be difficult to interpret in physics and hence remains to be further investigated in our subsequent works.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Temporal evolution of spectra emissions for (a) Λ1 line, (b) Λ2 line, and (c) continuous spectra (CS) undergoes different laser powers (intensities). |
In the above experiments, the employed fs laser pulse remained in a linearly polarized state. To examine the dependence of spectral property on laser polarization state, we use a circular polarized fs laser pulse to impinge on a Cu-target, for which a 1/4 wave plate (PT in Fig.
In conclusion, the transient transition dynamics for the excited state 5s′4D7/2 generated by electron–ion recombination in fs laser-produced Cu plasma have been examined by time-resolved spectroscopy. The experimental results demonstrate that, 1) the particle occupation on the excited state 5s′4D7/2 likely begins from 20 ns when the plasma CS peaks, 2) the characteristic spectra emissions or transitions to 4p
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